Tuesday, November 5, 2013

What most schools don't teach

This video used many people to explain that learning to code (learning to write computer programs) is a valuable skill in any industry. There were famous people like Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, Bill Gates, and Chris something-or-other from the San Antonio Spurs basketball team.

The video brings up a good point. Learning to code is not just about learning a programming language. It's also about learning to break up one big problem into a bunch of smaller problems. This IS a valuable skill in any industry. Not everybody is going to write code in their job, but being able to effectively analyze problems is useful to everyone. A farmer needs to know how to break up the process of farming into pieces like planting, growing, and harvesting. Then he would break each of those up into specific tasks like plowing the field, putting seeds into the ground, then covering the seeds, etc.

So, learning to code can be used by EVERYBODY in every job.
